Creating and maintaining the spaces
where you enjoy the moments that matter

Creating and maintaining the spaces where you enjoy the moments that matter

Pruning, Training and Creative stuff

Bushy Business Gardening - Pruning, Training and Creative stuff
Bushy Business Gardening - Pruning, Training and Creative stuff
Bushy Business Gardening - Pruning, Training and Creative stuff
Captain Leg-up considering what should get the treatment next

Captain Leg-up considering what should
get the treatment next

I’m sure if you asked any of the team what they love doing most, on the whole the answer would be pruning and training. I know that I could do it all day, every day.

What’s important here is to know that this does not mean that we fire up a hedge trimmer and go all gung-ho at everything in sight.

Clean, sharp, well-oiled secateurs, shears, and loppers and even a pruning saw are the tools of choice. Its then, considered, steady work, that doesn’t mean it has to be slow, it’s skilled work though.

The key is to know what to cut, and when and with climbers, ramblers, trained fruit and shrubs, how and where to support them.

Then you have the creative side of pruning, this is where you take what is often an existing shrub or small tree and can see the possibilities that lie beyond just shaping it. This is where a bit of nip and tuck, or as it’s referred to as ‘legging up’ can be applied. This work can change the appearance of an existing bed from a uniform mass of shapes to give proper definition and interest. It can show off what are often hidden trunks, rich in colour and texture as well as creating more space for underplanting and more interest.

Its about thinking beyond the obvious and giving it a go: but, knowing what you are doing is going to benefit the aesthetics of the specimen, the bed and the garden.