Creating and maintaining the spaces
where you enjoy the moments that matter
Creating and maintaining the spaces where you enjoy the moments that matter

Sam Bosanquet
Head of Irrigation
Water is our most precious resource and as such all of us who enjoy gardening and our gardens have a responsibility to use it in a respectful manner. If you need to water your garden, the most effective, and responsible way to do so is by using a well-designed, installed and maintained, irrigation system. This ensures that water is not wasted, that its delivery is targeted and can be controlled according to local rainfall and the needs of the beds and plants within, planters, pots, green walls and lawns, as well.
At Bushy Business we can design and install irrigation systems to suit you and your garden, we can then maintain them for you as well. We can also maintain existing systems and troubleshoot if you are experiencing issues.
If you have an existing system that you are experiencing problems with, we can visit and assess the issues, we might be able to fix it there and then or, if we are unable to get the system up and running within the hour’s appointment, then a quote will be produced outlining the work required and estimated cost to get it back to optimal output.
A call out and initial assessment will cost £80.00 +VAT, depending upon location.
We will happily visit to discuss and quote for an all-new irrigation system.
Irrigation Contact Form