Creating and maintaining the spaces
where you enjoy the moments that matter

Creating and maintaining the spaces where you enjoy the moments that matter

Maintenance and Aftercare

Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance
Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance
Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance
Graham Nunns - Head of Horticulture, Bushy Business Gardens

Graham Nunns
Head of Horticulture

Garden maintenance, it’s just pulling weeds, cutting hedges and mowing lawns, right?
Well, yes, but there’s a bit more to it than that.
And what’s the difference between Maintenance and Aftercare, is it just a word to make it sound a bit more appealing?


We maintain a lot of gardens. Many are large, beautiful spaces with well-established trees, beds and borders, large lawns, areas of meadow and water. These gardens are full of examples of gorgeous planting, much of it that has lost its way over the years due to ‘gardeners’ overzealous use of hedge trimmers to round or square off anything that dares to grow in a natural manner.

This treatment can take time to undo, to get some relaxed form back into the garden.

It is fair to suggest that maintaining an existing garden is fairly formulaic, the seasons dictate the work you do to a large extent, each visit carried out in a time-honoured fashion.

This doesn’t make garden maintenance dull or lacking in skill, the thrill is partly experiencing each season from start to finish and also being part of that space reaching its full potential in each cycle. Seeing the joy, it brings the clients as they recount tales of a weekend spent entertaining guests who ooo’ed and ahh’ed at the explosion of colours and scent and how proud they felt about it.


Aftercare on the other hand is taking a freshly created space from its embryonic stage and nurturing it, developing it, helping it, over time, to reach its full potential.
It’s seeing it through the teething stage into the formative years, setting the rules and boundaries, practicing tough love, when necessary, so that it reaches adolescence in rude health.

It is never once losing sight of the designer’s vision the vision that they convinced the client of in the first place, this is the key.

It is never once losing sight of the vision for the space that was maybe sold by the designer or that you have researched and thoughtfully laid out.

Too many gardens so beautifully designed and built by true craftsmen never have the chance to fully develop due to poor aftercare or even none what-so-ever.

We hate that people invest so much money in having a garden built and then fail to take care of it! Would you invest similar money in a luxury car and never wash or service it?

We don’t think so. You will pay the going rate to have their cars serviced as per the manufacturers strict guidelines and they will pay dealer prices rather than use the local independent garage; they do so knowing that the skilled technicians carrying out the work are trained to do it. So, you know that the cost of the care of your luxury car is higher than the norm.

You buy a dream from a designer, the garden from a landscaper and then you need to take out an insurance policy on your investment with an aftercare specialist.

Some of our Garden Maintenance and Aftercare services include;

  • Lawn care – regular or seasonal cutting and treatments (incl. scarification, aerating, top dressing and re-seeding)
  • Hedge cutting, shrub reshaping & specialist pruning and training
  • Fruit tree/ Rose/ Wisteria pruning and training
  • Weeding – by hand, spot treatments using gel, spray and heat
  • Pest & Disease control (Chemical & Biological) inc. Box Tree Caterpillar
  • Chemical spraying of herbicide for control of weeds and Box Blight
  • Planting Service – we can advise, supply and plant for all soils & situations
  • Mulching – specialist composts and barks
  • Seasonal planting schemes
  • Wildflower turf and soil installation and aftercare
  • Garden clearances and tidies
  • Pressure washing of paving and walling
  • Irrigation installation and maintenance
  • One-off specialist services – Consultation, Tree surgery etc

Gardens don’t look after themselves, nature has this habit or reclaiming what we have colonised. So why leave this all to chance, with professional qualifications, years of experience and a highly professional approach our friendly, trained and uniformed garden maintenance teams turn up in fully equipped vans.

Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance
Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance
Bushy Business Gardening - Aftercare & Maintenance